Kit Emissor e Receptor Led IR 3MM
Pack composto por um LED Emissor e um LED Recetor IR.
LED Emissor:
• LED emissor IR;
• Diâmetro: Ø3mm;
• Longitude de onda: 940nm;
• Número de pinos: 2;
• Tipo de lente: Transparente;
• Ângulo visão: 15-30º;
• Corrente máxima: 20mA;
• Tensão de trabalho: 1.2V – 1.5V;
• Temperatura de funcionamento: -25ºC a 80ºC.
LED Recetor:
• Fototransistor receptor IR;
• Diâmetro: Ø3mm;
• Longitude de onda óptima: 940nm;
• Número de pinos: 2;
• Tipo de lente: Negra;
• Ângulo visão: 15-30º;
• Corrente máxima: 20mA;
• Tensão de trabalho: 1.4V – 1.5V;
• Temperatura de funcionamento: -25ºC a 80ºC.
• 1x LED Emissor Infravermelho;
• 1x LED Receptor Infravermelho.
Exemplo de aplicação:
Código para arduino:
#include <WProgram.h>" para "#include <Arduino.h>Código para o Emissor/* irSend sketch this code needs an IR LED connected to pin 3 and 5 switches connected to pins 4 - 8 */ #include <IRremote.h> // IR remote control library const int numberOfKeys = 1; const int firstKey = 4; // the first pin of the 5 sequential pins connected to buttons boolean buttonState[numberOfKeys]; boolean lastButtonState[numberOfKeys]; long irKeyCodes[numberOfKeys] = { 0x18E758A7, //0 key}; IRsend irsend; void setup() { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfKeys; i++){ buttonState[i]=true; lastButtonState[i]=true; int physicalPin=i + firstKey; pinMode(physicalPin, INPUT); digitalWrite(physicalPin, HIGH); // turn on pull-ups } Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { for (int keyNumber=0; keyNumber<numberOfKeys; keyNumber++) { int physicalPinToRead=keyNumber+4; buttonState[keyNumber] = digitalRead(physicalPinToRead); if (buttonState[keyNumber] != lastButtonState[keyNumber]) { if (buttonState[keyNumber] == LOW) { irsend.sendSony(irKeyCodes[keyNumber], 32); Serial.println("Sending"); } lastButtonState[keyNumber] = buttonState[keyNumber]; } } } Código para o Recetor:/* IR_remote_detector sketch An IR remote receiver is connected to pin 2. The LED on pin 13 toggles each time a button on the remote is pressed. */ #include <IRremote.h> //adds the library code to the sketch const int irReceiverPin = 2; //pin the receiver is connected to const int ledPin = 13; IRrecv irrecv(irReceiverPin); //create an IRrecv object decode_results decodedSignal; //stores results from IR detectorvoid setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); irrecv.enableIRIn(); } boolean lightState = false; unsigned long last = millis();// Start the receiver object //keep track of whether the LED is on //remember when we last received an IR void loop() { if (irrecv.decode(&decodedSignal) == true) //this is true if a message has been received { if (millis() - last > 250) { //has it been 1/4 sec since last message lightState = !lightState; //toggle the LED digitalWrite(ledPin, lightState); } last = millis(); irrecv.resume(); // watch out for another message } }
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